长于范畴:长于上下呼吸道過敏性疾病(過敏性鼻炎、過敏性咳嗽、過敏性哮喘),食品過敏,藥物過敏,虫豸(蜂毒)毒液過敏,過敏性休克,特應性皮炎等過敏性疾病的診治事情。在花粉症特异性診断、免疫醫治療效及平安性评估范畴具备较高學術成就;在蜂毒致紧张過敏反响范畴學術钻研居海内领先,曾屡次在國際集會上就该范畴钻研希望举頭皮按摩器生髮,行大會讲话。Diagnosis and treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract allergic diseases (allergic rhinitis, allergic cough, allergic asthma), food allergy, drug allergy, insect venom (bee venom) allergy, anaphylactic shock, atopic dermatitis and other alle除腳臭噴劑,rgic diseases. High academic attainments in the fields of specific diagnosis of hay fever, i妹妹unotherapy efficacy and safety evaluation; leading academic research domestically in the field of severe allergic reactions caused五三九開獎號碼,by bee venom, and many speeches on the research progress in this fie台北外送茶,ld at international conferences.长于范畴:肺間質纤维化、支气管哮喘、慢性支气管炎、慢性梗阻性肺疾病、肺结核、肺芥蒂、迁延性肺炎、肺癌、肺结節病、气胸、肺囊肿、支气管扩大及其他呼吸體系疑問杂症等疾病的醫治